I’ve spent this week thinking about how far behind I am. Part of the reflection was because Tempus, my other half, is in a new job, and he’s out of the house a lot more now, and that’s disrupted me.
I kinda disrupted myself to - we’ve had to replace some storage in our room, so my office is back to being a pile of clothes in the doorway. That said, it’s been a good thing too - I’ve gone through a lot of our bedding and I’m thinking about how to store that, and it’s really made me consider the space I work in. And how I work.
This time last week, I built ‘a scaffold’. And it was a bit of a struggle some days, but five days a week, I’ve managed to either log the items I needed to, or ‘do something equivalent’.
I keep reminding myself to be gentle with myself, but I’m not very good at that. But week 1 of the scaffolding went…ok. I realised I have to put some stuff off till I make time to finish designs on the websites, so I need to do that.
I’ve been really tired though. I actually stayed away from my laptop entirely from Friday afternoon, so it’s been unusual. Saturday, we looked around at the various garden centres, though I didn’t really find anything until we got to the last one, and discovered this little guy
He’s a ‘hairy begonia’. He’s absolutely incredible. So we brought him home.
Saturday night, given the week we’d both had, we stayed in and started watching Andor, because, given my memory issues, we’re watching stuff I can’t remember. Sunday, we did chores, cleaning, got ready for the rest of the week and had coffee with people.
So. In the background of all this, I’ve also been thinking about stories. I mentioned one last week, ‘The Courier of the Dead’, and I’ve got a couple more sitting now, and I’m working on how to start writing them. Thursday, for my paid readers, I’ll be sharing more. :)
So. That was my week. How was yours?