Yup, it's that time of year again, and this is a quick email. It's time for Nanowrimo again!
This year, for my 20th challenge, I’m doing something a bit different.
And from the 2nd, every morning, I’ll be sharing a roundup of what I’ve done. :)
You can sign up for the roundup here - Nanowrimo and Other challenges, but so far, plans include a sci-fi horror, several stories told by tarot (different tarots too), a new AMFAR, Harper’s next case notes and the launch of my writing advice site Pre Prep Pub Promo :)
Plus all the usual that I do, with prompts and sprints and groups.
If you’re taling part in Nanowrimo, please let me know! I’m running a group on Facebook for support and accountability, and I’ve got my Discord server for sprints and stuff, and would love to cheer others on :)
That’s really it for me, today…I hope you’ll join in!